Welcome to the new Site!

With great excitement, I have switched hosting and created a brand new website. Old content has been brought over from the previous blog.

I plan to start posting a lot more. New year, new goals, new experience. I don’t have a focus or specialized niche since I’m passionate about all technology.

So look forward to a host of different topics ranging from game development, web development back to front, general tech news, and of course hardware and hacking.

*Please note, source code has been messed up during the migration. I heavily apologize for that. However, I am leaving the code as is instead of removing or trying to reformat it for sanity’s sake.

Going forward from here, all code will be posted to GitHub as well as being properly formatted on the posts.

XChat away plugin

My computer pretty much stays connected to an IRC server. If I’m not in  one of my favorite forums channels, I’m into something else.

If you do frequent IRC, you will want to register your nick with the nickserv so no one else steals your name. This is a great feature, but if your like me and registered two nick’s, you’ll have to identify with both every time. You might be wondering, “Two nicks? Why?” Well, I use one nick for my presence “techb” and “techb_away” when I’m not active. This may spark a new question, why not use the /away and /back commands? Well, I’m lazy, and for people who use a cli client like Irssi or rolled their own just cause, setting your nick to away might not show them your away. So, I use two nick’s to distinguish when I’m there and not.

Continue reading “XChat away plugin”

Hello Recursion!

Since I haven’t posted since last year :/ I figured why not show some recursion?

I know a lot of people try out something like a Fibonacci Sequence to help grasp the paradigm of recursion. I am going to do something a bit simpler. We will adapt the “Hello, World!” into a recursive function. We will play a bit with stdout in python as well.

Continue reading “Hello Recursion!”

Android ASE: WiFi Scan with UI

Playing more with the Android Scripting Environment, I wrote a simple script to display any access points in wifi range. Once you select an SSID, it will display some basic info on that AP, such as the MAC address and encryption type. If you have a rooted phone, you could theoretically brute force an APs password using *nix iwconfig commands. The next post I will show some quick and dirty code to brute force passwords. But for now here is the script for some UI WiFi scanning.

Continue reading “Android ASE: WiFi Scan with UI”

Android Twisted SpyCam

I have been playing around with Androids ASE(android scripting environment). ASE allows you to run scripts on your android powered device. You can use Python, PHP, Javascript, Pearl, Ruby and much more. To install ASE on your device you must either have root, allow third party apps install,, or know how to sideload apk’s using android’s SDK tools like adb.

Continue reading “Android Twisted SpyCam”