Have a need to get all the email addresses of users who are assigned a Permission Set?
It was something I ran into when needing to send emails from a Trigger.
Your use case is more than likley different, but here is a method to get a List<String>
of email addresses by Permission Set.
To use the method, just pass in the API name of your PermSet:
Setup > Users > Permission Sets > [your permission set] > API Name in the top right. Ex: Expense_Approver_Final
// Get list of email addresses by Permission Set
public static List<String> getEmailByPermSet(String permsetname){
List<Id> just_ids = new List<Id>();
List<PermissionSetAssignment> users = [
SELECT AssigneeId
FROM PermissionSetAssignment
WHERE PermissionSet.Name = :permsetname
for(PermissionSetAssignment uid: users){
List<String> just_email = new List<String>();
List<User> email_list = [SELECT Email FROM User WHERE User.Id IN :just_ids];
for(User usr: email_list){
return just_email;