Web-To-Lead Verify Captcha

Do you have a web-to-lead form on your website? Do you get annoyed that people can still submit the form without verifying the captcha? Sure it looks like it went through, but no record are added to Salesforce. Which is good, but if an actual user submits a form and they just forgot the captcha, it’ll look like it went through to them, but nothing is created….

A good way to approach this is disable the submit button until the captcha is verified. Great! So how do we do that?

As is the answer to most dev questions these days…… JavaScript…..

Don’t worry, it’s very little JS, and we’ll even use jQuery to make it even simpler!

First, we should know that Google gives us a callback we can hook into for the captcha called data-callback. By passing it a function, we can call that function once the captcha returns.

Next, lets disable the submit button by adding disabled="disabled". The submit button should be close to the end of the generated form code:

<input disabled="disabled" class="submit-button-captcha" type="submit" name="submit">

This is what the captcha tag will look like when Salesforce generates a web-to-lead form:

<div data-sitekey="YOUR_SITE_KEY"></div><br>

Now, we just need to add the callback to it. We’re also going to add a class to it so we can target the element in JS:

<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="YOUR_SITE_KEY" data-callback="recaptcha_check"></div><br>

So far so good! Next up is the callback function itself. It’s very simple, just grab that submit button and remove disabled:

function recaptcha_check(){

And that’s it! That JS function can either go in your /js/scripts.js or directly after the generated form code itself with <script></script> tags.

And some quick bonus tips for styling. We can target the disabled/enabled submit button in CSS. This is good if you want to grey out the text, or remove hover animations to help drive home that it’s disabled. The next couple of snippets are for example and the important part is the selector itself so you will know how to target it.

    only when enabled, pseudo selector :enabled 
form input[type=submit]:enabled {
    border: 1px solid #00b7ea;

    lets scale the button up a touch and play with the background
    on hover ONLY when submit is enabled 
form input[type=submit]:hover:enabled {
    transform: scale(1.1);
    background: #424242;

JS Array to CSV Download

Recently I was tasked with generating a CSV file using the data from a table. Normally I would do this in php where the actual data was coming from, but I didn’t see the need to go hacking around on the back-end when this could be done in JS after all the data was loaded. The data was loaded via AJAX, so it took a bit to populate.

The table also uses DataTables to make it pretty, sortable, and paged, but since it was paged I couldn’t just grab the data from the <td>’s. So instead I made an array, then pushed the ‘row’ data to it inside the ajax call. Once all the data is in, the download button appears and you get a CSV file.

Note: This is mostly pulled from a gist example, link is commented in the snippet below.

var csv_arr = [];
// add header first before pushing data
csv.push(["Bruh", "Data", "Date", "Ect"]);

// push some data, I did this inside the ajax call
// mentioned in the copy above
for(var i = 0; i <= somedata.length; i++){

// found: https://gist.github.com/yangshun/01b81762e8d30f0d7f8f
document.querySelector("#muh_epic_button").addEventListener("click", function (){
    var csvString = csv_arr.join('\r\n'); // Windows newline
    var a = document.createElement('a');
    a.href = 'data:attachment/csv,' + csvString;
    a.target = '_blank';
    a.download = 'data.csv';

GitHub Link

Add subdomains to Let’s Encrypt Certbot

If you already have a certificate issued from Let’s Encrypt for your current site, but added a new subdomain and want it to also use ssl, here is the command to do so.

current cert for -> example.com, www.example.com
new subdomain [no cert] -> dev.example.com

To add ssl with certbot to dev.example.com, run the following command.

certbot -d example.com,www.example.com,dev.example.com --expand

*Note that there are no spaces between the domain names and commas.

WordPress All Page Listings ShortCode

For when you need a list of all the pages on a WordPress website. Add this to functions.php and use the shortcode [page_listing] to a new Page. This will also create a CSV file in the theme’s directory so you can easily import it into a spreadsheet program like Google Sheets.

function page_listing(){
    $pages = get_pages();
    $html = '<ul>';
    $csv_arr = array();
    $csv_arr[] = array("Title", "Permalink", "In Progress", "New/Revised Content Added", "Links Added and Tested", "SEO", "Hero Photo Placed/Cropped Appropriately", "Styling", "Needs Added to Navigation", "Reviewed by NAME (desktop/mobile)", "Reviewed by NAME/NAME", "Assigned to", "Notes", "Page needs to be deleted", "Final Notes Before Launch", "Reviewed by Dev Team");
    foreach($pages as $page){
        $html .= '<li>';
        $html .= $page->post_title .',   <a href="'.get_permalink($page->ID).'">'.get_permalink($page->ID).'</a>';
        $html .= '</li>';
        $csv_arr[] = array($page->post_title, get_permalink($page->ID));
    $html .= '</ul>';
	$fp = fopen(get_template_directory().'/page_listings.csv', 'w');
    foreach($csv_arr as $row){
	    fputcsv($fp, $row);
    return $html;
add_shortcode("page_listing", 'page_listing');

GitHub Link

Python Check for 301 redirects

In web development, moving from staging to production servers, it’s useful to check that staging is pointing to production after the DNS changes.  Simple to check all urls if the site you’re working on only has few pages. A simple curl -I http://your.url.here.com will work just fine.

But what if you have a hundred or more pages to check? If I was paid by the hour, yeah I would copy/paste each url into a terminal and check, but I’m salary. So here’s a quick python script to check them for me.

You need to provide it a text file with all the urls on their own line. Easy if the urls are in a spread sheet, simple copy/paste into the text file and off to the races. This code will account for white-space and empty lines, however, it will not account for missing http/https prepends.  So far testing shows compatible with Python2 and Python3. Requires the requests library.

# requires requests lib
# - pip install requests
import requests
import sys
def redirectTest(url):
    with open("no_redirects.txt", "a") as no_redirect:
            r = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=False)
            if (r.status_code == 301):
                print("+ %s :: %d" % (url, r.status_code))
                print("- WARNING: %s :: %d" % (url, r.status_code))
                no_redirect.write("%s :: %d\n" % (url, r.status_code))
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            print("! Error with request: %s :: %s" % (url, e))
def load_urls(urlfile):
    # clean urls of white space and remove empty lines
    # this does not prepend http/https to urls missing them
    clean_urls = []
    with open(urlfile) as f:
        urllist = f.readlines()
    for i in urllist:
        i = i.strip()
        if i:
    return (clean_urls)
args = sys.argv
if len(args) < 2:
    print("! Error: Missing arguments.\n\nUsage: python check301.py urls.txt")
        l = load_urls(args[1])
        for i in l:
    except Exception as e:
        print("Something went wrong: %s" % e)

Feel free to change, modify, use, extend, and improve this code. You can find it on GitHub here.

This link will 301 to my About page.

Android Twisted SpyCam

I have been playing around with Androids ASE(android scripting environment). ASE allows you to run scripts on your android powered device. You can use Python, PHP, Javascript, Pearl, Ruby and much more. To install ASE on your device you must either have root, allow third party apps install,, or know how to sideload apk’s using android’s SDK tools like adb.

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